Wednesday, April 27, 2011


John 18:34 “Jesus answered him, Sayest this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me?”

A good question, isn’t it? Especially for this parrot age in which we live in.
People who do not think for themselves, do not speak for themselves.

I remember filling in at another Church and teaching a Sunday School class years ago and asking members of the class what they believed about a certain text, and the repeated reply was, “I just believe whatever the pastor believes.” This is what I call “secondhand religion.” To hear, “Polly wants a cracker,” sounds cute, but you can be sure it’s not an original thought with that bird!

Handed down tradition doesn’t mean its true, only that each generation has accepted it as such. Eternal truths never change, but these are few in comparison to man-made rules handed down to us, like the Jews of old, by well meaning but ill informed folk. Believe what you will about secondary issues, but Paul tells us to make sure we are “…fully persuaded in our own mind.” You’re not to adhere to what your guru tells you, but what God has shown you personally. It’s called the priesthood of all Believers.

It’s a good thing Apollos didn’t have this puppet philosophy (Acts 18:24-28). It is only those uncertain of themselves who want those around them to adopt their pattern of life so as to make them feel more secure in their set of beliefs and convictions.

A puppet cannot speak for itself but only says what another makes it appear to say for itself. Sadly many in our society are the same. They repeat what they hear or are told to tell without ever thinking for themselves. As the Bible says,“these things ought not so to be.”

So how about it? What do YOU say?

Do you know WHY you believe WHAT you believe?

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