Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Falling Down And Getting Up

We live in days of economical difficulty, moral decay, marital disaster, and spiritual decline. As a result, a spirit of defeat has engulfed many.

During difficult days, a good verse to remember is Proverbs 24:16 — “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again…”
Notice it doesn’t say, “IF a just man falleth.” Sooner or later, we all stumble. Everyone falls down now and then. That doesn’t mean we quit!
I recently read about a lady who was afraid to try ice skating because of the fear of falling on the ice. An experienced skater wisely told her, "Oh, you have to fall down-that’s the only way you can learn." The same is true in life. A baby will never learn to walk without falling a few times. If we never fall, it’s because we never try. The requirement to fall down during our journey is one of life's ironies. We must fall down (and thus, feel pain) so that we can succeed. Show me someone who never falls and I’ll show you someone who spends their life sitting and not moving forward. We can’t sit on the sidelines of life and expect to win the game. The old locker-room adage is appropriate: "Winners never quit and Quitters never win.”
We have to pick ourselves up (by the help of God) dust off and get back going. The Apostle Peter learned this and so should we. He messed up majorly, and yet was used of God even greater AFTER his mistakes , because he repented and returned. You are never a real failure unless you quit trying.
The key to falling down is to (1) learn from your experience; and (2) get back up, smile, and try again. You've just moved one fall closer to getting it right!

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